6 research outputs found

    Development of collaboration, research and mentoring skills of pre-service teachers facilitating ICT learning by older adults

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    The purpose of the article is to substantiate educational strategies of collaboration, research and mentoring skills development in pre-service teachers facilitating older adults’ learning of ICT with the use of problem-based practice-oriented adult learning activities. The study involved students of Ukrainian and Polish universities who were in the first year of Master degree programme for pre-service teachers and older people enrolled in the non-formal educational programme “The third age university”. In order to identify the data on the initial levels of the target skills development in pre-service teachers, we used narrative interviews, a self-assessment questionnaire, and observations. At the stage of target skills development, we used the problem-based learning method which required the pre-service teachers to research the older adults’ needs in ICT learning, provide mentoring and promote collaboration in the learning process. At the stage of evidence verification, we employed observation of pre-service teachers’ behaviour and a self-assessment questionnaire and compared the results with the initial data. Our findings showed an increased level of the development of all the three skills of pre-service teachers, which confirmed the appropriateness of the use of the chosen learning method based on the authentic problem that was relevant to the pre-service teachers since they understood that its solution was important for the involvement of older citizens in active life of community and society undergoing digital transformation


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    У статті викладено теоретичний огляд сучасних досліджень проблеми взаємовпливу технологізації нашого суспільства і специфіки особливого природно-етнічного гірського середовища, у якому перебувають учні молодшого шкільного віку, забезпечення інформаційної безпеки школярів. Проаналізовано закономірності й особливості цього феномену. Вирізнено основні поняття означеної проблеми: «кібер-простір», «Інтернет-аддікт», «телеманія», «Інтернет-залежність» і механізми їх виникнення. З’ясовано рівень інформованості батьків про наслідки користування телевізором і комп'ютером

    Constructive Pedagogical Interaction as One of the Basic Competences of Future Primary School Teachers

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    У статті розглядається явище конструктивної педагогічної взаємодії як базової компетентності майбутніх учителів початкових класів. Вона трактується як здатність педагога реалізувати навчально-виховні завдання шляхом використання комунікативних стратегій, що характеризуються позитивним взаємовпливом суб’єктів навчального процесу, а саме: «мова приймання» (мова схвалення та пасивне слухання); «активне слухання»; «комунікативні висловлювання»; «безпрограшне розв’язання конфліктів». Проаналізовано різні підходи до визначення педагогічної взаємодії, використання комунікативних стратегій, розроблених американським ученим-гуманістом Т. Гордоном та їх вплив на розвиток конструктивної педагогічної взаємодії. У статті розглянуто комунікативну стратегію «мови приймання», окреслено принципи, на яких вона повинна ґрунтуватися, а також описано стратегію «активного слухання», виокремлено її елементи.The article considers the phenomenon of constructive pedagogical interaction as a basic competence of future primary school teachers. It is interpreted as teacher’s ability to implement educational tasks using communicative strategies characterized by the positive interaction of the subjects of the educational process, namely: “Language of acceptance” (language of approval and passive listening); “Active listening”; “Communicative statements”; “Win-win conflict resolution”. Different approaches to the definition of pedagogical interaction, the use of communicative strategies developed by the American humanist T. Gordon and their influence on the development of constructive pedagogical interaction are analyzed. The article considers the communicative strategy of the “language of accetance”, the essence of which is to accept another person as he is, as well as in the careful selection of constructive statements during communication and therapeutic conversations. It also outlines the principles, on which the language of acceptance should be based, namely: always perceive another person as he is; formulate and present ideas in communication that will promote constructive dialogue; provide advice on solving students’ problems by mastering the techniques of therapeutic conversation. The author also describes the strategy of “active listening” in the article. The strategy characterizes the type of reaction of one interlocutor to the expressed information message of another. The strategy of “active listening” is interpreted as the feedback of the teacher to the problem expressed by the student revealed during the conversation and aimed at avoiding communication blockages in pedagogical interaction. It contains the following elements: nonverbal concentration of attention on the interlocutor through the expression of looks, facial expressions and gestures; the use of supportive, encouraging to talk further simple verbal forms (“yes”, “I see”); passive listening as a detection of problem acceptance; reflection of the problem. The author emphasizes the need for systematic deepening of students’ knowledge about the specifics of interpersonal communication, and the expediency of increasing the level of communication skills so that they become natural qualities and habitual behavior

    Basic Competences of Future Primary School Teachers as a Pedagogical Problem of Modernity

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    У статті здійснено теоретичний аналіз категорії базових компетентностей майбутніх учителів початкової школи в сучасних науково-педагогічних дослідженнях. Узагальнено сучасний стан розробленості проблеми в науково-педагогічних джерелах; висвітлено сутність понять «компетенція», «компетентність», «компетентнісний підхід», «базові компетентності майбутніх учителів початкової школи», «ознаки сформованості базових компетентностей». Проаналізовано компетентності на основі освітньо-професійної програми першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти галузі знань 01 Освіта/Педагогіка зі спеціальності 013 «Початкова освіта» на педагогічному факультеті ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника».The article provides a theoretical analysis of the category of basic competencies of future primary school teachers in modern scientific and pedagogical studies. The current state of elaboration of the problem in scientific and pedagogical sources is generalized; the essence of the concepts “competence”, “competence approach”, “basic competences of future primary school teachers”, “features of basic competences formation” are highlighted. The content of competencies is analyzed on the basis of the educational-professional program of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the field of knowledge 01 Education/Pedagogy in specialty 013 “Primary education” at the pedagogical faculty of Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk. An analysis of these definitions shows that most scholars consider competence to be an integral phenomenon that brings together the knowledge, skills, abilities and experience of future teachers. Scientific sources highlight a variety of competencies that must be mastered by a future primary school teacher while studying at a higher education institution. However, a significant number of concepts defined as basic, distracts higher school teachers and complicates the process of forming the most important competencies for students. According to the author of the article, formation of basic competencies would be more effective if implemented on the basis of didactic principles, namely through: the principle of cordocentrism, characterized by the priority of spiritual and moral dimensions of the educational process over pragmatic and organizational and functional and encourages students to understand pedagogical reality. not only through thinking, but also through the “heart”; the principle of constructive pedagogical interaction, which involves creation of a positive cognitive field in which each subject of the educational process feels comfortable; principles of gamification and early diagnosis and development of professional interests, on the basis of which students develop the ability to create play learning environments in accordance with the personal interests of pupils; the principle of sustainable professional development, introduction of which contributes to the formation of students’ ability to design their own professional image, to outline ways to improve it. The novelty of the author’s approach to this problem is that, taking into account the above principles, the didactic system of basic competencies, combining scientific and emotional components, will be aimed at enhancing creative scientific and pedagogical activities, will have a predictive nature and ensure sustainable professional development of future primary school teachers


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    The purpose of the article is to substantiate educational strategies of collaboration, research and mentoring skills development in pre-service teachers facilitating older adults’ learning of ICT with the use of problem-based practice-oriented adult learning activities. The study involved students of Ukrainian and Polish universities who were in the first year of Master degree programme for pre-service teachers and older people enrolled in the non-formal educational programme “The third age university”. In order to identify the data on the initial levels of the target skills development in pre-service teachers, we used narrative interviews, a self-assessment questionnaire, and observations. At the stage of target skills development, we used the problem-based learning method which required the pre-service teachers to research the older adults’ needs in ICT learning, provide mentoring and promote collaboration in the learning process. At the stage of evidence verification, we employed observation of pre-service teachers’ behaviour and a self-assessment questionnaire and compared the results with the initial data. Our findings showed an increased level of the development of all the three skills of pre-service teachers, which confirmed the appropriateness of the use of the chosen learning method based on the authentic problem that was relevant to the pre-service teachers since they understood that its solution was important for the involvement of older citizens in active life of community and society undergoing digital transformation

    Anti-innovation barriers in the professional activity of university lecturers in Ukraine and ways to overcome them: diagnostic aspect

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    The article presents the analysis of anti-innovation barriers in the professional activity of lecturers in Ukraine and outlines the ways to overcome this phenomenon. For this reason the discussions of domestic and foreign scientists on the given problem are introduced; the scientific bases of innovative activity of pedagogues are defined, its essential characteristics are outlined; the reasons for the lecturers’ and teachers’ of general secondary education resistance to pedagogical innovation are identified. The authors represent an experimental scientific study of the problem in the practical activities of educational institutions in Ukraine. The subjects of the experiment were lecturers, students and school teachers in different regions of Ukraine. The pedagogical experiment conducted at the diagnostic level allowed to identify the main problems of educational activities in the field of pedagogical innovation and to propose an original method aimed at overcoming the reasons that hinder the introduction of innovative principles into the educational process of higher educational institutions